Bill and the giant inflatable hammer I won by looking 38. |
You know how I love Asheville, right? What’s not to love,
right? I went into detail here, so I won’t mention those things again. We just got back from a super fast, super busy trip there. We ate at our favorite
restaurants, went to the Mountain State Fair – which I highly recommend, by the
way. I know the State Fair in Raleigh is a huge deal, and people love it, but
if you want the whole fair experience without the hassle, I recommend the
smaller, much more mellow, Mountain State Fair at the Ag Center just west of
Just ONE of the delicious things you can eat at the fair. |
It’s got all the humongous vegetables, fascinating stinky
animals, live music, carnies, con games with cheap prizes and deep fried
deliciousness you could ever want. What you want get is a smelly crowd that
ambles slowly and won’t let you pass for nuthin’. The fair is not what this is
about, but I will say this last thing: The age guesser pegged me at a
whipper-snapping THIRTY-EIGHT! Well worth the $3 it cost to play. Plus we
got a huge inflatable hammer that Bill mostly uses to bonk me in the butt.
Anyway, one of the things I love about Asheville is the
church I used to go to when I lived there – Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church.
It’s a very relaxed, understated little PCA kirk with about, I don’t know, 50
people there on any given Sunday? The music is basic hymns deliberately sung – nothing fancy. They go over a bit of the Westminster shorter catechism
each Sunday, then the pastor, Jonathan Inman, a slightly scruffy guy about my
age clad in hiking boots, hiking shorts and Neil Young t-shirt, saunters up to the front,
perches himself nonchalantly on a stool and starts talking in a voice that I
would describe as … conversational…? His voice is soothingly low, almost as if
he’s … pleading? That’s not the right word, but I really can’t think of what I
mean to say. There’s nothing oratory or preachy about it – a spectacular
feat… for a preacher!
Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church meets in The Venue on Market Street in downtown Asheville. |
I’m not married to a particular denomination; I just love
me some gospel. And I love a church with fantastic, sophisticatedly arranged and
presented rockin’ music, so I was looking for such a place when I moved to
Asheville in 2000. I settled in at Grace and Peace, though, because I loved
this fellow’s sermons and style. His MO is to go through books of the Bible chapter
by chapter with the congregation, which I love. Nothing gets left out, and you
get to hear about all the parts the pastor might shy away from otherwise. (Is this
the longest intro EVER?) Anyway, Jonathan normally reads out the chapter at
hand then just sort of talks through it, his quiet discourse always winding
around to … Jesus.
While doing an image search for a photo of Jonathan Inman, I discovered that the hilarious guy from "Are You Being Served" is called John Inman. I couldn't resist using his pic instead! |
Because everything in the Bible points to Jesus. Everything.
Even the stuff that happened before he was born… and after he died. Whether you
are perusing the historical records, the genealogies, the songs,
the advice, the erotic poetry, the laments and predictions of the prophets, the
gospels, the letters… He’s all over it.
This past weekend, Jonathan said that his wife had made the
following comment regarding an earlier sermon: “My mind kind of started to
wander before you got to the Jesus part.” So this time, he decided to BEGIN his
sermon on Proverbs 3 with what he called, “the Jesus part.” Now, I never gave
much thought to the structure of his sermons until he brought this up. But now
that he mentions it… that’s exactly the way I write a blog! I never thought
about it before (except the other day when I gave you the actual outline), but
that’s mostly how they go, right? Story, music, movie or book, self-deprecating
humor…. JESUS! See? Because everything begins and ends with Jesus.
One time I was making an eight-hour drive to visit my
brother and his family in Chattanooga and to pass the time, I thought, “I’m
going to make every song on this album, (Pete Townshend’s White City: A Novel)
about Jesus.” It was surprisingly easy. As Pete Townshend frequently trades in
the imagery of sin and redemption, I was able to pull out at least one line or
reference that spoke to me of God’s own Son… I was momentarily stumped by the
jealous tirade that is Second Hand Love, until I remember that God describes
Himself as “a jealous God.” Piece of cake. Delicious cake.
He's got the WHOLE world in His hands! |
So, you see, everything really IS about Jesus. Even if it’s completely ungodly, it serves as a contrast or a gaping maw of need. In the Revelation
of St. John, Jesus says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
the Beginning and the End.” I’m pretty sure He’s everything in between as well. Paul
says, “For from him and through him and to him are all things.” And, “In Him we
live and move and have our being.” Yep. That about sums it up.
Remember when Horton
heard the Who? |
So in my mind, every story, every song, every aspect of life is tied up
in the One who made us, and the world around us… whether we realize it or not.
Remember when Horton heard the Who? Those tiny people were on the speck,
whether or not the kangaroo and other naysayers acknowledged it our not. If
only God would make an audible “YOP!” so we could know He’s around. Oh wait… He
sent His own Son. That’s a fairly noticeable “YOP!” I’m being preachy, aren’t
I? I’d rather be cool like Jonathan… all mellow and understated… But I guess
I’m just a little more out-of-control than that…
YAY! An excuse to put in a photo of Russell Brand! |
Anyway, I’m sure that to some people this aspect of my world
view is pretty irritating. I can only imagine some are thinking, “Here it
comes… wait for it… AND there it is! She mentioned Jesus.” My actual conversations don't go like this, in case you were wondering… maybe if we got close
and spent a couple hundred hours engaged in deep fat-chewing. Or if you asked.
Then I’d gladly slide into a little God talk. In an informative, passionate,
but hopefully humble and non-pushy way, of course.
I heard this morning on NPR about how Google has
incorporated the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game into its search engine. You
type in “bacon number” and the name of a movie actor and it will tell you how
far away from Kevin Bacon they are. For instance, so that I could have an
excuse to include a foxy photo of Russell Brand in my blog, I typed in “bacon
number Russell Brand.” I got these results: Russell Brand's Bacon number is 2: Russell
Brand and Rose
Byrne appeared
in Get Him to the Greek. Rose
Byrne and Kevin
Bacon appeared
in X-Men: First Class.
Since you’re no doubt wondering where I’m going with this… In
MY brain, EVERYTHING is appearing in a movie with Jesus. EVERYTHING is has a
Jesus score of ONE… whether directly referring to Him, or recalling His grace….
or a deep need for it. For example, Headhunters: Headhunters is about a deeply
insecure person. Insecure people need Jesus. Or, Bob Marley: “Bob Marley was a
Rastafarian who may have converted to Christianity.”
Graphically illustrated, if this were one of those silly
flow charts people post on Facebook, it would all flow to Jesus. Look – I made
one! My first! I often wonder at the time some people must have on their hands
to make those detailed charts.
So… here’s the outline of this post: Story about Asheville
and reference to Jonathan Inman… JESUS! That one was easy.
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